
Learn Mandolin or Guitar in Group Lessons

Learn Mandolin or Guitar in Group Lessons

Diane is a real music passionate that was looking for group music lessons in Montreal a few years ago. Diane has been one of my student since 2008 and she tells us how her learning experience goes much further than guitar lessons.

Learn the Mandolin: Repetitive exercises

Learn the Mandolin: Repetitive exercises

For learning a musical instrument like mandolin, the recourse to repetitive exercises seems inevitable. On the other hand, following recent research, we know full well that this practice is contested. While repetitive exercise may seem desirable in the pursuit of certain learning, in other circumstances it may prove to be very unprofitable if not downright harmful.

Mike Marshall & Caterina Lichtenberg: Mandolin, Superstar

Mike Marshall & Caterina Lichtenberg: Mandolin, Superstar

These masters of mandolin are totally devoted to their music, they live for their art, they give all their soul to their public. They both share this essential quality that every major artist should have: generosity. They are beautiful; they smile; they share special moments with the audience; they tell sweet little jokes at the right moment.

Jacob Reuven: Mandolin in Modern Dance

Jacob Reuven: Mandolin in Modern Dance

On the Internet, even the most demanding music connoisseur has the opportunity to find something that will satisfy his taste. But, unfortunately, the web offers altogether the worst alongside the best. Sometimes, democracy and sheer madness walk hand in hand. Might you be lucky enough, you will find a pearl like this one.